Do you know that family planning is more harmful to your body than having a baby you did not plan?.  Do you know that family planning can lead to terminal disease?  Do you know that it can lead to imminent death? Do you know that family planning is not the answer to your having a good home? So much do you know.  I bet you already know what it is all about, but let me refresh briefly.  
Family planning is the method used in controlling number of children one has and the number of years or spacing it takes in between their births.  Family planning can be by contraception or sterilization as the case may be. The different methods of contraception in family planning are the pill which is hormonal contraception, it can also be in form of injection taken monthly, bi-annually, condoms for barrier method and the most popular which is the implant inside the vagina of a woman called the intra uterine device (IUD).  

Most women (married and single) are conversant with family planning and its various methods.  What most women are not conversant with is the level of danger these methods poses to their health and society at large.  The doctors and Big pharmacies down play the disadvantages of family planning in other not to instill fear in their patients and also to amass more wealth from the sales of  drugs and services rendered. They counsel you in subtle tones on the need to go in for family planning so that you can keep your man and marriage intact. As if that is what keeps your man at home.  A man that is fond of  trying anything in skirt can never be satiable.  In my own opinion, family planning have caused more harm than good to many women and homes at large.  I advise women I come into contact with to try as much as possible to avoid any form of contraception that is not natural method. No wonder the Catholic Church and some Protestant kick against it.

Recently, a friend of mine lost a very close friend to cancer of the uterus as a result of family planning. She had the intra uterine device planted in for years and when she removed it to try for another baby, that was when the problem started.  She bled profusely, almost non stop all through the months.  All medications given to stop the flow was to no avail. She went from one gynaecologist to another and it was the same old story.  That was when it dawned on her that the doctors will not analyze the implications of family planning to you. She battled for life and at the end she did not make it.  That is one out of too many women that lost their lives to family planning devices.

Over the years, most women I came across that are into family planning have one complaint or the other.  Some said the injection makes them to bloat, putting on unnecessary weight even when they try as much possible to exercise and diet, while some complain of the pills darkening their skin.  Some said they come down with pimples, acne and pigmentation all over their faces and skin.  While some said that family planning changes their overall system - in the exact words of an acquaintance "this family planning makes me feel like throwing up anytime any thing enters my mouth - water, drink, food etc, it is as if it did not settle well in my tummy" .  Of course, I advised she run for her dear life and meet up with her doctor as soon as possible. I was glad she did because they ended up removing the IUD (intra uterine device) and told her to go on natural family planning for a while and she got her life back. A woman complained in the hospital to the hearing of others that the intra uterine device she put does not allow them to enjoy love making.  She said she feel pains anytime she has intercourse with her husband.   Without being told, family planning is not the best or ultimate if some of this side effects are anything to go by.  I ask myself, is it worth going through all this stress all in the quest to avoid bringing another child into this beautiful world.  I believe it is not.  Though some women complain that their husbands will not take no for an answer when it comes to performing their conjugal rights.  I do not think men should be kept in the dark when it comes to issues of family planning.  That is why a good gynaecologist will tell the couple to come for classes.  Men need to understand the implications and dangers associated with family planning especially when they send their wives to hospital to get it done to enable them enjoy their wives as much as they want.  They need to know that it might backfire on the woman, though body system are not the same.  
I remember one incidence that happened nine years ago in one of the government general hospitals I used for child birth.  A couple came to family planning department for counselling after the woman had given birth to five children. The nurses counselled them on the need to stop so that their kids will get quality education and good standard of living.  You need to hear what the woman's husband said.  "I can not stop going to the farm ooo, doctor do everything possible to help us so that weeds will not grow in my wife's farm.  I need to be cultivating it daily, baby or no baby". Other patients bursted out laughing. You understand what I mean.  I do not think that man will ever take no for an answer.  In order for peace to reign, the wife must use family planning devices to prevent another pregnancy and gbam, the man will continue farming.

I have a sister who used natural birth controls till date.  In fact, I lived with her. I understood why it worked for her.  Her husband was the one that kept tab on her ovulation and safe periods.  The man knew his wife's safe and dangerous times like the back of his hand.  He said he does not want another baby and he really helped out by counting the days so much so that he kept a calender in the bedroom and circles the wife's period, the days it lasted, the ovulation and safe times. If all men were like him, I believe the rate of death of women caused by family planning will be reduced.

Do not make the mistake of thinking you are safe with family planning.  Most times, the side effects do not show up or  start immediately.  It develops into what you will not understand over a period of time. As I mentioned earlier on body system being different, the warning/danger signs may come up as early as from one,  two, three four or five years but you may choose to ignore it till it gets out of hand because you want to avoid pregnancy as much as possible.

What can be done to save other women from the menace of family planning?  The men need wider knowledge and awareness of how it works and the dangers it poses to their wives' health. Both men and women need to be educated on the "Billings Method" which is the old time method of natural family planning. One does not need to be a graduate or more to learn it. It is so easy and simple that people that do not see the four walls of a school can learn how to count and keep dates in other to enjoy their marriage. Doctors and health care workers will never tell you the gospel truth to avoid their stream of wealth drying up.

Women are advised to go for Natural Family Planning (NFP) method.  It is cheaper, stress free and at the end of the day, saves lives which is the most important thing. Women, remember  , at the end of the day, it is your body, the sooner you take better care of it, the better you will be for yourself, husband, children and the society at large. 


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