Candida! Candida!!!, Candida!!!.  Ooh, in its true word candidiasis.  Most women and men have wide knowledge of what Candidiasis is all about, unfortunately some do not. Let me give a brief definition of it.

Candidiasis, also called thrush or moniliasis, is a yeast infection. Candida albicans is an organism that normally makes a quiet home for itself on your skin and doesn't bother anyone. We all carry this organism on our skin, in our mouth, in our gastrointestinal tract (gut), and, in the case of women, in the vagina.

Here we go. It is not unusual to see some women battling to keep their hands off their private parts in public.  You know why, because of the irritating itching that comes from vaginal discharge, awful odour and of course the main infection - candidiasis.  If you are among those suffering from this, you need to go to a good hospital and  have a couture test done.  The next step is to be placed on medication and before you start your medication, here are a few tips that will help you to get rid of the infection once and for all.

- Buy new undies (panties/boxers).  Do not begin medication while still using your old panties because there is every possibility that traces of the infection are still on them.  Go for new cotton undies, even if it is the cheapest ones.  They are better than using the old ones and do not forget cotton panties/undies are better and healthier. If you are married, as you are buying new undies for yourself, buy some for your spouse too.  Your medication will not last if the other is still suffering from same. . 

-Change your undies regularly.  While treating candidiasis, you need to buy from four to seven panties to enable you dispose them at the end of every month.You can go for disposable undies if you can afford it.  When you buy plenty undies, you may not feel the need to let go at the end of every month.  Why?  You will  be looking at them as still very new and can be worn for a while.  Stop.  Remember you are on treatment and if proper care is not taken, the end result will not be achieved.

-Douch with warm water. (This is specially for women) Wash your private part regularly with warm water only, at least twice a day while bathing. Do not use soap or detergent in your private parts as they are cancerous and deadly.

-As much as you can, avoid using and sitting on  public toilets no matter how clean they look. If you must use a public loo, bend slightly while making sure your body is not touching the seat.

Even when you are finally diagnosed clean by a medical practitioner from candidiasis, always follow this healthy tips to keep yourself truly free from infection. Remember, health is wealth. No matter how fat your bank account is, you are very poor if you are not healthy enough to enjoy it.


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